




    • 松田岳士,近藤伸彦,岡田有司,重田勝介,渡辺雄貴,加藤浩(2023)自己主導学習レディネスが学習予定・状況記録システムの継続使用に与える影響,日本教育工学会論文誌 47 (4) 日本教育工学会
      Doi: https://doi.org/10.15077/jjet.47017


    • Takeshi Matsuda, Yuki Watanabe, Katsusuke Shigeta, Nobuhiko Kondo, Hiroshi Kato (2021) Factors Affecting University Students' At-home Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic -Implications for a Student Support System-, International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, Vol. 15, No.1, pp.56-66
      URL: https://jaems.jp/contents/icomej/vol15/06_Matsuda.pdf
      The purpose of this study is to collect data that can be useful in designing systems that support the out-of-class learning of undergraduate students in Japanese universities. The authors investigated students' at-home learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic and tried to provide implications for designing out-of-class learning support systems for such students. Two surveys were conducted in June and October 2020, in which students recorded all their learning activities for an entire week. After which, they were asked to complete a questionnaire. Both surveys showed year-wise differences; that is, first-year students had more supportive aspects than senior students. An examination of the influence of self-directed learning readiness scale factors showed that factors concerning learning skills affected learning time in most categories; this finding has important implications for system development.


    • 松田岳士,近藤伸彦,渡辺雄貴,重田勝介,加藤浩(2020)履修科目選択支援システムDSIRの改善を目指す評価,日本教育工学会論文誌 44(Suppl.) 日本教育工学会
      Doi: https://doi.org/10.15077/jjet.S44122
    • Takeshi Matsuda, Yuki Watanabe, Katsusuke Shigeta, Nobuhiko Kondo, and Hiroshi Kato(2020)Decision Support System with Institutional Research: A Student-Centered Enrollment Advising System, in Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information, pp.55-64 Springer, Copenhagen
      Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50017-7_4
      In this paper, we propose an online dashboard system, Decision Support System with Institutional Research data (DSIR), developed for students who are looking for information on courses they are considering enrolling in. The system deals with three major factors that contribute to students' learning outcomes: the evaluation methods of courses, students' self-directed learning readiness (SDLR), and students' learning goals. The purpose of this study is to formatively evaluate the functions of DSIR. Specifically, we asked students to use its beta version to confirm visibility, under-standing of displayed contents, and usefulness in class selection. We then tried to clarify points in need of modification and functions to be developed. Participants highly rated DSIR in general, and most participants set their own goals by referring to the SDLR scale factor score. In addition, many participants selected courses by referring to the recommended courses dis-played on DSIR. Besides these real effects, our evaluation revealed the need to add explanations of terms and recommended course calculation methods and to devise display methods.