
This website is for reporting the progress and results of the research project “Development and Evaluation of the Self-Tailored Educational Portal System, STEPS“ (Student Self-Learning Planning and Monitoring Strategy System )”. STEPS is an abbreviation for Self-Tailored Educational Portal System, which is a system that provides guidance and advice to university students to improve data-based learning.

We are working on a project that will continue to present results that will serve as hints for people interested in topics such as Institutional Research (IR), Self-Directed Learning (SDL), adult learning theory, and visualization of learning data.


September 2021
Article published in the International Journal of Educational Media and Technology
February 2021
Article published in the Journal of the Japan Society for Educational Technology
December 2020
Results of this research were featured in an English magazine
September 2020
Results were presented to the study group for the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education

About this research

Research outline

This research aims to develop and evaluate an IR information portal site for students to effectively utilize educational IR data to support the improvement of student learning.

Deliverables (system, etc.)

In addition to the developed system, the deliverables of this research include papers summarizing the presentations, findings, and research processes presented to academic conferences and study groups.